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[한국방재안전학회] TIEMS Updates
2017.09.19 10:09

Dear TIEMS Board Members,

Please, find the link to TIEMS Presidents 2017 Annual Report at:


Robert will now collect an annual report from all of you and include them in and finalize TIEM 2017 Annual Report, which will be sent TIEMS members one month before TIEMS 2017 Annual Conference in Ukraine, meaning it has to be finalized latest end of October. I leave it to Robert to set a deadline when he needs your reports, so he has time to include them and finalize TIEMS 2017 Annual Report.

The Announcement and Call for Papers and Posters for TIEMS 2017 Annual Conference is now posted on TIEMS web-site, see:


The link for uploading an abstract is a follows: https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=59297131.bTZWO1x13jCCyXyy

And the link for registration and payments is: http://www.tiems.info/index.php/events-reg-pay/tiems-2017-annual-conference

I hope many of you will come to the annual conference, and please, submit and abstract soon, and note that the early bird registration with a favourable fee is open until 15th of October.

I copy Andre Samberg to this mail, so if you have questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact him.


Best regards Harald

K. Harald Drager

TIEMS President