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[컨퍼런스] 4th International Conference of Iraqi Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 05 - 07 April 2017- Baghdad, Iraq
2017.03.14 05:03
Second Announcement OBGYN_Bagdad 2017.pdf Sponsorship_OBGYN_Bagdad 2017.pdf

Dear distinguished sponsor,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the Iraqi Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology We are pleased to announce the 4th international conference of the society, which will be held in Baghdad from 5th - 7th of April 2017 at Babylon hotel - Baghdad, Iraq.


Our conference program will include recent and updated developments in the field of obstetrics & gynecology. We have invited several eminent international figures each in his specialty to our conference .

There will also be a vast number of Iraqi specialists who will present their own recent research and experience in this field. Symposia and round table discussions about hot issues in this field are arranged accordingly. 

There are some workshops to be organized by predominant specialists who will display the experience of their practice to the trainees. We highly appreciate your support and contribution to this conference.

Sarmad Khunda M.B ChB FRCS Ed FRCOG

President Iraqi Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology


For more information, please visit the conference website : http://www.iraqobgyn-conference2017.com/

Contact Ms. Maha Khalil : Mobile  (00 962 79 9428 027 ) , e-mail maha.khalil@theorganizers-iraq.com

                Ms. Samer Masri: Mobile (00 962 79 7611305 ) , e-mail samer@theorganizers-iraq.com


Thank you and best regards.

Maha Khalil

Projects Manager